Easy Edible Playdough for Kids

You’ve probably invested in a ton of books, art and craft supplies and toys and games to keep your child busy and occupied and that’s great. It is truly during these initial years of development that young children learn how to sharpen their fine motor skills, expand their creativity and develop their imagination too. 

With play dough in particular, children can learn how to shape and mould objects using their fingers, gain strength and improve dexterity. When used the right way, it can be a powerful learning tool for your kiddo, and most moms know it- that’s exactly pretty much all of them already have it! 

On the downside though, commercially available playdough is, more often than not, loaded with toxic chemicals and substances, that can prove to be harmful for your little one. This is particularly the case when children tend to ingest the playdough. 

If that’s a big concern for you, making edible playdough can be a great idea. Not only can it be a safe alternative for your little one to play with, but it can also be a frugal and budget friendly option. 

While there are a ton of different variations and recipes for edible playdough, here’s one that needs minimal effort and supplies! Ready to check it out and give it a try? Here’s everything you need to know.

Supplies for Edible playdough: 

 Edible playdough
  • 1 cup colorful Funfetti frosting, for each batch
  • 2 cups powdered sugar, for each batch


Mix the frosting and 1 cup of powdered sugar together, pressing with the back of a spoon, until it creates a sticky dough.

 Edible playdough

Continue adding powdered sugar a little at a time, kneading on a lightly sugar-dusted surface, until the desired consistency is reached. 

Store cloud dough in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Refrigerated dough will be stiff. Allow to come to room temperature before playing.

That’s pretty much it. Now, when your kiddo engages in this open ended form of play, you can sit back and relax with no worries. Give this simple and easy to make playdough a try on a weekend and you’re sorted. It can prove to be a powerful activity that helps your little one use his finger muscles in the best way possible. 

Best of all, your kiddo can now engage in hours of fun and learning at home- all in a super safe environment. 

And don’t just limit your child’s playdough fun there- bring in some props that you can find in and around your home and make the experience even more enjoyable. Here are a few ideas to get you started. 

 Edible playdough
  • Building blocks
  • Cookie cutters
  • Feathers 
  • Large buttons
  • Straws
  • Bottle caps
  • Twigs 
  • Leaves 
  • Flowers
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Shoe laces

Loved these ideas and the recipe? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments box below.

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