Two Digit Addition Videos

Teaching two digit addition with and without regrouping is a very important skill for second graders. I know that when I am teaching this, my students need a lot of exposure, methods of teaching and practice, practice, practice.

One thing that I always do when I’m teaching a new skill is show different videos to my students. My students love whenever they get a chance to watch an engaging learning video. I wanted to create a hub of videos that teachers can refer to when teaching this skill. That way, you don’t have to spend hours upon hours searching for the right video to show.

These videos have already been screened by a seasoned teacher and I know the content is great. All you have to do is find which one would work best for your class and it’s easy integration for you!

Two Digit Addition Without Regrouping

Here are some great videos you can show your class when you are teaching the skill: two digit addition without regrouping

Here is a video showing how to decompose the addends:

Here’s another video from Khan Academy that is really great as well!

addition without regrouping

Two Digit Addition with Regrouping

Here are some great videos you can show your class when you are teaching the skill: two digit addition with regrouping

Who’s a fan of BrainPOP Jr.?! This is a perfect video to start your regrouping lessons with!

two digit addition with regrouping

Here is that same decomposing method as shown above, except this time, with regrouping.

This video is a super cute song that shows students how to regroup!
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