January Morning Work

Morning Work


I love to use morning work in my classroom. I have been using the monthly morning work, like the January Morning Work in my own classroom for 4 years. They are easy to use and my students can complete them independently, especially by this point in the year. They cover both math and literacy and take just enough time each day for me to get my attendance and lunch count taken care of.

Student Growth


As teachers, we always want our students to grow in their skills during the year. One of my favorite things about the January Morning Work is the amount of growth that I see in my own students throughout the year. There is definitely something to be said for consistency. Each month the worksheets are laid out in a very similar pattern, allowing for the growth.

January Morning Math


There are so many skills included in the January Morning Work. Your students will have an opportunity to practice everything from standard form to measurement. There are also worksheets on temperature and symmetry. Every skill that should be taught during this time of year is covered in some way. 

January Morning Literacy


Just like math, literacy is more than covered in the January Morning Work. Students will list words in ABC Order, practice syllables, and work with rhyming orders. There are twenty-seven different skills that are covered. This means that every skill is taken care of with no prep from you.

Not Just Morning Work


Even though this resource is named January Morning Work, you can use it for so much more than morning work. I will pull out these sheets for extra practice for those students who didn’t quite master something the first time. I will also send them home when a student needs a little more. And sometimes I will add them in as a center resource. The uses are endless.

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