Violet’s Music
Journeys Second Grade
Unit 2, Lesson 12
(8 Literacy Centers)
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Vocabulary Bundle of all 30 stories
I have chosen 4 important skills that are taught in this story. I also have included a vocabulary definition match, making words center and ABC Order with vocabulary and comprehension questions. Also, a few printables to go with the story.
Included are 8 Literacy Centers + Worksheets and Booklets
** Base Words (-ai, -ay) ~Directions:Read the sentences. Decide what word is missing in each. Match, Complete worksheet.
**Spelling Words Booklet
**Roll, Read, and Color (2 pages, 6 words on each page)
**Find the Shape (high frequency words)
**Read and Graph High Frequency Words
**High Frequency Words Flash Cards
**ABC Order Cut and Paste
**-ai and -ay Sorting Center ~ Directions: Place the picture under
the correct vowel pair. Find the Word that goes with the picture.
**-ai and -ay Sort (cut and paste)
**Kinds of Sentences Center ~ Directions:
Read the sentences. Then decide what punctuation mark would go at the end. Sort it under the correct ending.
**Question or Command? (cut and paste) Directions: Read the sentences at the bottom of the page. Cut and paste to the correct column.
**Exclamation or Statement? (cut and paste) Directions: Read the sentences at the bottom of the page. Cut and paste to the correct column.
**Scrambled Sentences ~ Directions: Sort the sentences by pictures. Then put the sentences in the correct order. Then Record.
**Idioms Center ~ Directions: Match the meaning to the correct idiom.
**Interactive Notebook (3 pages) Directions: Cut out the flaps. Glue in your notebook. Write the correct meaning underneath each idiom.
**Idioms Booklet
Directions: Cut pages of booklet out. Staple at the top. Write what each idiom means, then put it in a sentence.
**Main Idea Chart ~ Write the main idea for Ah, Music!. Then write 4 details.
**Story Map
**Story Map ~ (cut and paste) ~ Directions: Fill in the story map by cutting and pasting the settings, characters, and plot into correct spot.
**Vocabulary Words Booklet (5 pages)
Vocabulary Words Booklet – Violet’s Music ~ Directions: Cut pages of booklet out. Staple at the top. Write the word 2 times each, then
write in a sentence.
**Story Map Booklet (characters, setting, plot)
**2 Booklets ~Create a mini booklet. Cut out and staple to the 2nd page. Write about Farmer’s Words, Actions, and Traits . Also one for cows.
** Retelling Booklet – Violet’s Music
Directions: Fill out the characters and setting page. Start at the beginning of the story. Retell what happened at the beginning, 3 details in the middle, and then the end. Write at 2 sentences on each page. Illustrate each page. (6 Pages)
**Vocabulary Words Matching Puzzles (Match definitions)
*Choose 2 words and write in a complete sentence.
*Vocabulary Booklet
**Making Words (Violet’s Music)
**ABC Order (Vocabulary Words and Spelling Words)
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