How Chipmunk Got His Stripes Journeys
(7 Literacy Centers)
Vocabulary Bundle of all 30 stories
I have chosen 4 important skills that are taught in this story. I also have included a vocabulary definition match, making words center and ABC Order with vocabulary and comprehension questions. Also, a few printables to go with the story.
Included are 7 Literacy Centers + Worksheets and Booklets
** Endings (-ed,-ing) ~Directions:Read the sentences. Decide what word is missing in each. Match, Complete worksheet.
**Spelling Words Booklet
**Roll, Read, and Color (2 pages, 6 words on each page)
**Find the Shape (high frequency words)
**Read and Graph High Frequency Words
**High Frequency Words Flash Cards
**ABC Order Cut and Paste
**Past or Present? Center ~Directions:
Decide which word completes the sentence. Then sort the sentences into Present or Past tense.
**Synonym Memory Match ~ Directions:
2 players ~ Take turns turning over 2 cards at a time. If it is match, then you get to keep the cards. Player with the most cards wins.
**Synonym Color Code
**Name the Same ~ Write the synonym for the given word.
**Base Word Endings Center ~ Directions:
2 players ~ Take turns turning over 2 cards at a time. If it is match, then you get to keep the cards. Player with the most cards wins.
**Past or Present Worksheet
**2 Pages Interactive Notebook endings (-ed, -ing)
**2 Pages Interactive Notebook Base Words
**Story Map Booklet (characters, setting, plot)
**2 Booklets ~Create a mini booklet. Cut out and staple to the 2nd page. Write about Squirrel’s Words, Actions, and Traits . Also one for Bear.
**Write your own story! Activity: Students will write their own version of how an animal got a certain trait. As a class, we list several examples and then the students will pick an animal to write about. For example: “How the Zebra Got His Stripes” ; How the Leopard Got His Spots…
**Chipmunks “Can, Have, Are” ~ 2 Pages
** Retelling Booklet – How Chipmunk Got His Stripes
Directions: Fill out the characters and setting page. Start at the beginning of the story. Retell what happened at the beginning, 3 details in the middle, and then the end. Write at 2 sentences on each page. Illustrate each page. (6 Pages)
**Squirrel or Bear Worksheets (cut and paste)
**Vocabulary Words Matching Puzzles (Match definitions)
*Choose 2 words and write in a complete sentence.
*Vocabulary Booklet
**Making Words (How Chipmunk Got His Stripes)
**ABC Order (Vocabulary Words and Spelling Words)
Disclaimer: These materials were prepared to align with the Journeys Reading Series by Teaching Second Grade and have neither been developed, reviewed, nor endorsed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, publisher of the original [component] work on which this material is based.
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