Place Value to the Hundreds Teaching Videos

Hey y’all! I’m back again for the teaching video round up for you! I hope these video posts have been helpful and save you some time when you are looking for some educational videos to use in the classroom! Today, I am going to be sharing some of my favorite videos to use when teaching place value to the hundreds! These math videos will be a great introduction to your place value lessons, so a quick review or reteach!

Your students will love singing along to this familiar tune help learn place value.

This video shows students how to trade tens for hundreds. This would be a great video to show at an independent center with a small activity to follow.

This video is great for showing students how to regroup to the different place values. The song is fun to sing along and has great visuals to teach the concept.

The next video shows students how to model a number using base ten blocks. The visuals are great and show students how to model numbers as well as how to count using base ten blocks.

I couldn’t do a teaching video post without including a video from my favorite site: BrainPOP Jr! There is literally a video for everything, and like I’ve mentioned many times, there are fun game, quizzes and activities to accompany your video! Just head over to this link to watch the video (subscription required.

If you are loving these blog posts, make sure to head over to my Facebook page and let me know what skills you would like me to do next!

Make sure you head over to these posts when you are looking for other teaching videos:

Videos for Synonyms and Antonyms

Teaching Videos for Two-Digit Addition

Parts of Speech Teaching Videos

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