Boom Cards Resource Roundup

There are many benefits to using boom cards in the classroom. The truth of the matter is some students struggle with grasping different concepts. Others have a difficult time paying attention or staying engaged. And then you have early finishers who could use something else to do. Boom Learning is ideal for each of these situations and creates an easy low-prep option for any teacher. Not only is Boom Learning great for students, but it is also something that teachers can truly appreciate. 

Benefits of Using Boom Cards

Keeps students engaged.

When using Boom Cards, students feel more like they’re playing games versus doing something mundane. When they’re having fun while learning, chances are they want to do more. You’ll also notice their ability to stay focused on the task much longer.

Teaches virtual skills.

As technology advances, students will be introduced to more and more ways to learn virtually. The digital task cards teach students how to use drag and drop features, multiple-choice cards, and interactive whiteboards to complete different lessons.

Saves teachers time.

One of the best benefits is the automated grading system. When students complete a lesson, they’ll be provided with a grade that can be tracked by the teacher and the student both. This also helps the teacher to know what the student may need more work on.

Boom Cards Resource Roundup

I created lots of Boom Card resources that are age-appropriate and designed in a way to entice and encourage students. Below are some of my best-sellers and teacher favorites.

Boom Cards Math Daily Work

This is a growing bundle that has audio included starting with Week 21. There will be 40 weeks included in this growing bundle. Each set is divided among 5 days for that week (50 task cards). Each day is color-coded and consists of 10 cards with some cards having multiple problems on the task card. So when completed this bundle will have 2,000 digital task cards!

Boom Cards ELA Daily Work

This is also a growing bundle and will have 40 weeks total once complete. There are currently 32 weeks available, with audio available starting at Week 21. Each month concentrates on certain skills that also spiral throughout the month (and month to month, so I will group every 4 weeks into the same skills, but different problems on each task card). 

Boom Cards Bundle

Although this bundle is Easter-themed, you can still use it any time of year. The pack comes with:

  • Easter 2 Digit Addition without Regrouping
  • Easter 2 Digit Addition with Regrouping
  • Easter 2 Digit Subtraction without Regrouping
  • Easter 2 Digit Subtraction with Regrouping

Boom Cards Mystery Picture

This particular set is summer-themed and highlights the mathematical concept of adding 3 numbers. This can be somewhat of a challenge for some students, so having this resource can make it more fun.

Looking for more? Click here to check out an exhausted list!

Ways to Use Boom Cards

Take the guesswork out of how to use these in your classroom and use the suggestions below:

  • Use Boom Cards as part of your morning work routine.
  • They can be used for transition times.
  • Keep early finishers active by giving them Boom Cards to do.
  • Use Boom Cards to get students excited about learning.
  • Boom Cards can be used to help students review concepts.
  • Use them to track where students are.


If you haven’t started using these yet, I highly recommend that you give them a try! Needless to say, I just love BOOM cards, and I use them with my class. It is so nice to have a quick assessment of whatever skill my students are working on. I love them even more now because I can assign task cards with DISTANCE LEARNING and I am able to see how my students are doing from afar.

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