Even More Parent Communication Ideas

Are you struggling to communicate with parents in your classroom? With the 21st century, you would think that it’s easier than ever to communicate with parents. However, everyone is busy and it can be tough to ensure you’re getting information out to parents. Here are some parent communication ideas. Communicating with parents doesn’t have to be hard. Make it easy on yourself and use these tips.

Are you struggling to connect with parents? Communicating doesn’t have to be hard. Make it easy on yourself and use these 5 tips to be successful! #teachingsecondgrade #communication #parentteacherconf #teachercommunication #tips #teacherhacks | Teacher Tips | Classroom Management | Parent Communication Ideas |

Parent Communication Ideas

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Class DoJo

Because most parents are already carrying their phones around them, it makes sense to use Class Dojo. For the most part, this is a free app in which you can communicate with parents. It’s just as simple as texting and they can get ahold of you when they need to. Plus, it’s nice because you can set yourself as “away.” Which means you won’t get notifications every hour of the night.

Utilize Email

Struggling to get ahold of a parent or is the parent struggling to get ahold of you? As annoying as email can be, it’s still one of the best ways for parent communication. It opens up a line of communication for busy parents and teachers. While there should be rules and boundaries set forth in email, it’s still a great way for teachers and parents to communicate.

Communication Folder

If you have a parent that you need to communicate with on a daily basis, a communication folder can work wonders. This communication folder is something that goes back and forth with the student to school. Parents can read the important information in the folder after school and parents can send important info to school in the folder. This works great for parents who need to communicate with a teacher on a daily basis.

Related: Tips and Tricks for Parent Communication

Remind App

Another app that could be very useful in being able to communicate with parents and teachers is the Remind app. It works as a messaging system, so teachers and parents can communicate important information back and forth. The remind app is also free to an extent, so it’s not a financial burden for parents or for teachers.

Google Voice

Parents and teachers need to be able to communicate, which is why Google Voice is an excellent idea. Google Voice “ is a telephone service that provides call forwarding and voicemail services, voice and text messaging.” So, parents can get ahold of teachers without the teacher giving out their personal number. Google Voice can be used strictly for the classroom, so parents feel as though they have a way to communicate with the parents in their classroom. Teachers can even have the voicemails and text messages forwarded to their phone without giving out their personal number.

As you can see, there are great parent communication ideas out there. It’s just about picking a few that work for you! Which parent communication ideas do you use in your classroom? Which ways have you communicated with parents in the past? We’d love to hear all about your tips and tricks for proper communication with parents.

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